Why phone-free schools?

Denton students will thrive

5 Reasons & 2 Myths

Top Reasons to Support a Phone-Free Policy in Schools

Reason #1: Less Bullying
Schools that have adopted effective phone-free policies report fewer instances of bullying and behavioral issues. This not only creates a happier environment for students but also reduces the workload for teachers, making for a more harmonious school community.

Reason #2: Enhancing Focus
Banning phones in schools is a straightforward strategy to boost student concentration and participation. By removing digital distractions, students are more tuned in and engaged during class.

Reason #3: Improving Academic Performance
Evidence shows that schools without phones see a notable improvement in test scores. Eliminating phones from classrooms has been directly linked to better academic results.

Reason #4: Fostering Social Skills
Children thrive on personal connection and the development of social skills, empathy, and relationships. A phone-free environment significantly enhances the opportunity for these critical developmental experiences.

Reason #5: Building Happier School Communities
The atmosphere in schools that enforce a phone-free policy is often reported to be more positive and calm. Discover the benefits as shared by one principal who recently implemented a phone-free policy. [Link to testimonial]

Common Myths Debunked

Myth #1: Parents Oppose Phone-Free Policies
Contrary to what some may believe, a vast majority of parents—up to 82%—favor a phone-free environment for their children’s schools, preferring the focus be on education rather than screen time.

Myth #2: Phones are Necessary for Emergency Situations
While it’s a common concern that students might need their phones during emergencies, such as active shooter events, school security experts suggest that having phones can sometimes make situations more chaotic and unsafe. It’s more effective to have phones managed by responsible educators trained to handle such critical situations.

The Benefits are Many

Increased Academic Performance

Study findings on how phone-free policies correlate with higher test scores and greater academic engagement.

  • Mountain Middle School in Durango, Colorado: After implementing a phone-free policy, this school witnessed significant improvements in academic performance. The removal of phones led to a higher level of student engagement and focus, which contributed to the school eventually achieving Colorado’s highest performance rating.
  • National Assessment of Educational Progress (2023): In The Anxious Generation, Jonathan Haidt notes that the decline in test scores coincided with the rise of smartphone use among teens. Phone use correlates with decreased academic achievement.

Enhanced Social Interactions

Without the constant presence of smartphones, students engage more robustly in person, leading to improved social skills and reduced feelings of isolation.

  • Social Interaction and Community Feeling: At Mountain Middle School, once the phone-free policy was enacted, students began interacting more with each other rather than engaging with their phones. This change fostered a stronger sense of community and belonging among students, moving away from what the head of school described as a “zombie apocalypse” atmosphere.
  • Reduction in Cyberbullying: The absence of smartphones during school hours led to a decrease in cyberbullying, contributing to a safer and more supportive school environment.

Reduced Anxiety and Improved Mental Health

Phone-free policies can help reduce anxiety related to social media and constant connectivity, contributing to a more focused and less stressed student body. Reduced anxiety is closely linked to improved academic performance, as students are better able to participate in discussions and commit information to memory.

  • Schools with phone-free policies report fewer mental health issues among students. Without the constant distraction and social pressure of smartphones, students experience less anxiety and depression.
  • Without phones, there is a marked improvement in students’ ability to develop empathy, form relationships, and engage in meaningful face-to-face interactions, all of which are crucial for emotional and psychological health.

Advancing Inclusivity Among Peers

Removing phones can level the playing field for students who may not have access to the latest technology, ensuring that all students have the same opportunity to learn without feeling disadvantaged.

  • Leveling the Technological Playing Field: Not all students have access to the latest or most advanced smartphones. In environments where phones are prominently used, those with older or no phones may feel left out or disadvantaged. Removing phones from the classroom ensures that all students access content and participate in learning activities without any technological disparity.

  • Reducing Socioeconomic Visibility: Smartphones are often seen as status symbols among students. Those who cannot afford newer models may feel socially inferior or stigmatized. Phone-free policies eliminate this visible marker of economic difference, reducing the social pressures associated with having or not having a certain type of phone.

The research

Learn more about how smart phones are affecting students' mental health and academic performance

Educator resources

Bring phone-free policies to your classrooms!

Sign the petition

Join the Denton community and sing our petition for enacting phone-free policies at Denton campuses

Success stories

Read about school that enacted phone-free policies and how they are thriving as a result.